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Dear... (A New Year to look forward to)

Dear CJ,

I’m currently sat writing this letter with a pile of work the size of the Eiffel tower next to my bedside. Which in fact is starting to resemble more the Leaning Tower of Pisa more than that of a majestic French piece of architecture, but I continue. I hope you enjoy reading this letter and I hope to hear you reply soon. 2017- woow, that sounds a big number. I’m kicking start this year under my Tesco brought bed covers, drinking water, which I am imagining as gin. I am kicking the ass of 2017 right here, right now!

Just the numbers, 2017 sounds like a hungover mum who has just fallen over in to the door but at the same time shows a sense of elegance like a mum who is watching her daughter in the school play. Thus, perfectly representing how I feel 2017 could go. Politically, I feel we are already in a helter-skelter spiral, but personally I feel great. I feel I can really make 2017 my year. I don’t believe in all this ‘New Year’s Resolution’ business, I much prefer the term ‘Bucket List Goals’, which does sound a bit like a disease I suppose. So here are my 2017 Bucket Years Goals:

  • To do more for other people from charity work to a simple holding open the door even when I am in a rush.

  • To do more for enjoyment, to not consume myself with work and have no ME time

  • To do more for my health by starting to find exercise which I enjoy

  • To do more organising, because let’s be honest Gomer your room is a mess

I hope to hear from you soon,



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