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New beginnings

At one point in my life, I never wanted to see the end of secondary school, it was too much fun! The secondary I was at was so uplifting all the teachers were approachable and the school looked like a place where people go and 'want' to pass; at least that's what I thought. I noticed that the years started flying by and before you know it I was picking my GCSE options - I really wasn't ready! This may sound as though I was enjoying school but in fact, some days I despised it. I didn't want to go. There were so many fallout's - typical teenage thing - and I just didn't want to face it. I do admit these 'fallout's' really did distract me from my learning more than once. As I was time to get serious my mum let me know that I was moving schools. at first, i didn't thing that my mum could come to this conclusion; I tried everything to persuading my mum to give e a few more days to turn myself around but it didn't work.

I remember dreading the day that would come when I had to make that anxious walk to my new school. But unfortunately like always it had to come eventually. It really hit my like a bus when I had to start walking I realised this is my new beginning, it can all change which can be a very positive or very negative thing. My new beginning turned out to be a positive thing as I made some amazing friends who influenced me to do the right thing and focus.

Let your new beginning be a positive thing.

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